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MN Family Woodlands Conference

The Minnesota Family Woodlands Conference is quickly approaching on Saturday, January 11 in Grand Rapids! Join UMN Extension Forestry, local natural resource professionals, and your fellow woodland stewards for a day of learning more about woodland stewardship, wildlife, trail design and construction, invasive species, and more. 

You'll be able to choose from sessions covering a variety of topics, such as tree seed collection, foraging, non-game wildlife stewardship, Firewise practices, and more! You will also have the opportunity to connect with over a dozen natural resource organizations during our exhibit breaks, such as the American Bird Conservancy, local Soil and Water Conservation Districts, and Let's Plant Trees.

Register before December 1st and save - the cost of registration increases by 20% after December 1st. Space is limited - so register early to secure your spot at the first UMN Extension Forestry conference in ten years.

If registering as a family, you can register additional family members for only $10. Registration is waived for Tribal members and costs are reduced for Itasca County residents and landowners. Lunch and refreshments are included with registration.

Learn more about this event and register here:

If you have any questions, please contact Anna Stockstad, UMN Extension Forester:, 218-726-6466