Find Your Local Network

There are local networks throughout the state, some based in areas, others based on topics. Choose the one that best fits your needs, or if there isn't one, contact us to work on starting your own!

  • Thank you for your interest in the mentorship program, also known as our Connections Program! This is an informal mentorship program intended to create a network of women working in natural resources in MN of all stages of their careers and background.

    The intended audience is women (please see inclusivity statement below) working in natural resources (forestry, wildlife, etc.) in Minnesota. This form is used to record your interest in the program and to eventually connect you with a potential mentee/mentor.

    For many of us, mentors have played an invaluable role in building our careers. Finding a mentor without a support network can be difficult, as it’s often dependent on pre-existing connections. This introduces an issue of accessibility to network development for women in natural resources, as we are still a minority in the profession. Our goal with this mentorship program is to create an informal network of women working in natural resources to support women in all stages of their careers, so that we can help to improve the accessibility of finding a mentor that you connect with, both personally and professionally.

    Inclusivity statement: In alignment with the Women’s Forest Congress, we recognize that there is a need – arguably today more than ever – for more diverse perspectives to help ensure the health and future of forests. The Minnesota Women’s Woodland Network is an open and inclusive group – trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming participants are welcome, as are women and allies of all ages, perspectives, cultural backgrounds, professional levels, abilities, and education.

    Fill out this form to join the Connections Program.

  • The Northeast MNWWN is a mixture of women landowners and area natural resources professionals.  The area served by the Northeast MNWWN includes the counties of Cook, Carlton, Pine, Lake and St. Louis. 

    This local network does not meet regularly but hosts field events and other activities and shares information through email. 


    Anna Stockstad, Extension Forester with UMN Extension

  • *Currently not active*

    The Metro Area MNWWN gathered quarterly at a local restaurant and discussed topics related to woodlands and natural resources.  Previous topics include forest health, woodland care and management, managing ash trees in preparation for emerald ash borer, timber harvest, using goats for vegetation management, restoring woodlands after buckthorn, etc.  The Metro Area MNWWN has hosted several women's chainsaw safety and maintenance classes, tours, tree and native plant ID walks, and a book club featuring women nature writers. 

    Please email if you are interested in leading this network.

  • *Currently not active*

    The Brainerd Lakes Area network is a new network that covers the central lakes area including the counties of Aitkin, Cass, Crow Wing, Morrison, Mille Lacs, and Wadena and other nearby counties. The meetings were held at Northland Arboretum in Brainerd. Please see events calendar or email Ginger for more details.


    Ginger Kopp

  • *Currently not active*

    Angela S. Gupta, Regional Extension Educator
    University of Minnesota
    Office phone: 507-280-2869, 888-241-4536

  • Women of the Woods

    Women of the Woods is a group of women in north central Minnesota who, for the most part live in isolated, rural areas near communities such as Bemidji, Bigfork, Dora Lake, Inger, Max, Northhome, Squaw Lake, and Wirt.  They meet twice a month (even in the winter!) for outdoor activities, friendship, and support. Please contact them if you'd like to join them or get their electronic newsletter.


    Pat Sievertson

    Deer River, MN