Northeast MNWWN and Peggy Meseroll Host a Tour of an Active Timber Harvest by Jan Bernu, MNWWN Northeast
On February 28th, the MN Women’s Woodland Network (MNWWN)-NE local network sponsored a tour of an active timber harvest at the Maki Family LLC property near Esko, MN. Peggy Meseroll, MFA Board Member and member of the WWN-NE local network, and her sister Mary are members of the Maki family and hosted this tour. Jan Bernu, Two By Forestry consulting forester and contracted forester for the Maki family, led the tour and discussion on “Private Timber Sale Nuts & Bolts Basics.” Jan is also leading the WWN-NE group and arranged this tour. There were 12 participants, including 3 from the Metro Area MNWWN, who braved the cold temperatures to learn about timber sales, timber harvesting and woodland management.
Bell Timber bought the Maki timber sale, which is currently being harvested by No Sweat Logging. The participants were actually able to observe an active cut-to-length harvesting operation and received on- site information regarding the active timber harvest. The Makis’ are thinning their pine stands to enhance the health and growth of the pine. The pine wood products include pulpwood, sawbolts/logs and telephone poles. They are also cutting some of the aspen to further enhance wildlife habitat for early successional wildlife species. This harvest will not only provide income from various timber products but enhances forest health and wildlife habitat.
Image by Ginger Kopp
Image by Gail Bong
Image by Barb Spears
Image by Barb Spears
Image by Barb Spears
Image by Ginger Kopp
Original invitation:
What: Timber Sale – the Nuts & Bolts on an active job site by Jan Bernu, Consulting Forester & acting forester on this job site
When: Feb 2015 - TBD but hopefully sometime this month – might even be as soon as next weekend (21st)
Where: Maki Family LLC land just north of the city of Esko - Peggy Meseroll & her siblings’ property
Peggy and her siblings are harvesting some timber on their property this winter. She has graciously agreed to allow us to come over and see their timber sale in progress. However, I still need to get permission from the logger that they’re OK with having a group on or near the active site with all of the running equipment and trucks, etc. Also, loggers’ schedules are often fairly last minute so this will be last minute if we can do it. If possible, you will need a hard hat – I do have some hard hats but if anyone has one, you will need to bring it or let me know if you’ll need one. You’ll also need to dress for the weather as this will be an outdoor gathering.