By Barb Spears
On August 29, 2015, Gail Bong (WWN NE) hosted “Massage in the Woods and Goods from the Woods – Show & Tell, Buy & Sell”. The outdoor massages, provided by Certified Massage Therapist Eric Bong, were greatly enjoyed by several WWN NE members. Some of the women brought "Hand Crafted Goods for Show & Tell, Buy and Sell”. Darla VanHeerde brought delicious Elderade that she made from Elderberry flower syrup and lemons. She also brought honey, lip balm, and lotion bars from the bees that she keeps at her home business, and shared the very fun story of why she named her farm “Pants Mary Apiary.” Sue Smith (Stoneybrook Farms) brought Pickled Milkweed pods, Highbush Cranberry jelly, and Wild Raspberry jelly, and Gail made Sumac juice, Chokecherry jelly and Elderberry jelly. Show & Tell Woods Crafts included baskets made from Red pine needles, and jewelry made from local rocks, bear claws and teeth, and porcupine needles. Dried, pressed, and framed plants and flowers were on display, too.
Happy Woods Women! Photo credit: Gail Bong
Garden Gurus! Photo credit: Gail Bong
Goods from the Woods. Photo credit: Gail Bong
Goods from the Woods. Photo credit: Gail Bong
Goods from the Woods. Photo credit: Gail Bong
Goods from the Woods. Photo credit: Gail Bong