Trees and the Bees

Trees and the Bees

Article by Nikki Henger, Forestry Program Coordinator, St. Croix River Association

Managing your woodlands for timber or wildlife? What about for pollinators, who we depend on for food and a healthy ecosystem? Pollinators such as bees carry pollen from one plant to another, fertilizing them so they can produce fruit or seeds. About 75% of the world’s major food crops require or benefit from pollinators. A lot of these pollinators rely on woodlands for nourishment through flowering trees, shelter and nesting habitat via snags, sticks and leaves, and protection against the increasing concrete jungle.

Meet Becky Lourey, Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year for Region 3 (Nominated through the eyes and ears of consulting Forester, Jan Bernu)

Meet Becky Lourey, Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year for Region 3 (Nominated through the eyes and ears of consulting Forester, Jan Bernu)

Through the eyes of the nominating consulting Forester, Jan Bernu of Two By Forestry Company - SAF Certified Forester & MNWWN Board member & MNWWN-NE network co-coordinator

In the spring of 2016, my phone rang with a request for a new project - to update an old plan for a 1,800-pluse acre property in Pine County that is owned by Becky Lourey. Wow, I thought, that’s quite a hunk of land! That spring, I met with Becky and her land manager, Ken Gerard, before heading out to do the field work for her land.

Native Prairie, Honey Bees & Pollinators

by Jan Bernu

On September 10, Darla Van Heerde of Esko hosted the MN Women's Woodland Network-NE fall event: Native Prairie, Honey Bees & Pollinators. Darla showed us around her 40 acres on a gorgeous fall day. With lots of hard work and the assistance of various entities, Darla has created a beautifully blended mixture of orchards, gardens and native prairie with a variety of pollinator plants, as well as a pond for wildlife and some wooded acreage. She is also a bee keeper with 10 hives. At the end of the tour, she treated us to a glass (or two!) of her delicious homemade elderberry flower lemonade and carrot salsa.

NE WWN Fall Event. Buckthorn ID & Hands-on Control Methods

By Barb Spears

On October 24, 2015, Northeast WWN member Peggy Meseroll hosted a buckthorn removal event on land that she manages. Gail Bong, NRCS Technician, gave a “Buckthorn 101” talk and they hacked and chemmed a good sized area, and prescribed follow-up to kill the seedlings before they turn into seed bearing trees. They used Buckthorn Blasters:, a great little tool for the homeowner/landowner. Buckthorn control/eradication takes a lot of hard work followed by many years of dedicated follow up to keep it at bay.

Massage in the Woods and Goods from the Woods!

By Barb Spears

On August 29, 2015, Gail Bong (WWN NE) hosted “Massage in the Woods and Goods from the Woods – Show & Tell, Buy & Sell”. The outdoor massages, provided by Certified Massage Therapist Eric Bong, were greatly enjoyed by several WWN NE members. Some of the women brought "Hand Crafted Goods for Show & Tell, Buy and Sell”.

Bee Talk and Woods Walk

On June 26, 2015, Metro Area MNWWN member Debra Donath, along with husband Kent, hosted us to learn about honey bees. We were also able to tour her 23-acre property near Welch to learn about their land management practices involving tree planting of white pine, oak, and walnut and their two prairie restoration sites.   

Goats for brush control. How about hogs?

At our Metro Area MNWWN gathering in October 2014, we discussed this topic.

Goats are being used in MN on many projects.  Here is a link to a local SE MN company that rents their goats for buckthorn and other vegetation management needs: 

Also, check out these links for more information on this topic:

Timber Sale - the Nuts and Bolts on an Active Job Site

Northeast MNWWN and Peggy Meseroll Host a Tour of an Active Timber Harvest by Jan Bernu, MNWWN Northeast

On February 28th, the MN Women’s Woodland Network (MNWWN)-NE local network sponsored a tour of an active timber harvest at the Maki Family LLC property near Esko, MN. Peggy Meseroll, MFA Board Member and member of the WWN-NE local network, and her sister Mary are members of the Maki family and hosted this tour. Jan Bernu, Two By Forestry consulting forester and contracted forester for the Maki family, led the tour and discussion on “Private Timber Sale Nuts & Bolts Basics.” Jan is also leading the WWN-NE group and arranged this tour. There were 12 participants, including 3 from the Metro Area MNWWN, who braved the cold temperatures to learn about timber sales, timber harvesting and woodland management.